This part is one of my favorites. 'Cauz you not only make and see them but live in them. Hats off to the crazy architects out there who thought and created architecture right out of our fairy tales. The craziest art in the form of civil structures is here to stimulate your creative cells. Get them working and even share your ideas :)
1. The FingerPrint: Belongs to Thailand; a fingerprint concept remained ignored but not any more.
3. READ: The more you look, you feel like reading a bit more. Inspirational yet crazy for a wall sign :D
4. Auto-Sleep: I have heard stories of people sleeping in their vehicles when they struggled with failures in life. But the comfort this Auto gives is sure to result in an awsome sleep :D
5. Got to Pee: Well the gals are at big risk here. But for all the guys who can imagine the bad-girl-who-ditched-me can satisfy their revenge with these :P :
6. Coffee Pot: The Mc Donalds' team seem to have been inspired with the morning coffee as the crazy concept shows.
7. Goal!: Just a concept for the FIFA World Cup. Weren't the fans as crazy like this idea during the event? :D