Placements exam overhead! Exams had always given me the dreaded jitters. But I knew hard-work never helped! After all being a creativeFanatic always meant add a spice to everything we do. One tried-and-tested method I did still remains effective:
"Don't think about exams while reading!"
Well then i started surfing and found few good ideas of studying (ahem! I mean learning). Here they go:
1. Make comic strips or books out of the matter you are reading/learning2. Make a trivia game out of it (best suited for the over-enthusiastic game-engineers)!
3. Consider the text as story and read without any trouble to understand each and every line
4. If even the word history makes you puke, try dramatics: enact a war scene with the characters right out of the text with friends or siblings! (always the best way to learn in school! :-D)
5. Imagine the situation out of the text: create funny characters and give them names like "Mr. Operating System" or "Mr. Micro-controller"!
6. Try out the experiments with stuff at home. Always fun to learn practically :-D
7. Learn from Youtube, How Stuff Works, Blogger and even at times Facebook helps ;-)
8. Sing, Dance and Play while reading (a sure stress buster!):-D :-D :-D