Friday 17 January 2014

A New Idea!

After such a long time! Phew! I'm back again. But this time with my own idea. I confess I have an undeniable passion for creativity in education. Especially looking at the present situation, I bet many have the similar faith; a demand for revolutionizing education. As Zen preaches good things and habits take time to build up. So applying the same principle to Education System as well. One idea after another. This is just an idea. Maybe it'll be an experiment for schools and colleges who are willing to participate. Alright, enough with the talk. Down to business:

Revolutionizing Idea: VIRTUAL EXHIBITION

Description: A online showcase of exhibits of student projects and endeavours during the course of their study. A digital exhibition where the creative pursuits of all students will be up for display for the world to see.

Aim: To build up the creativity among students and applaud their achievements virtually on a platform used by most of the urban population.

Resources Required: A web domain. In fact, we just need a website (most of the colleges have, for schools I suggest going for the free web domain and hosting sites like "") and some dedicated space on the server. Web design using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript can work like a wonder in construction of the website. The website can also be built for other devices apart from browsers. The project itself can be delegated to the students to discuss and build based on their preferred tastes for styles, themes and colours.

I'm heading off to start building it right away for my personal use. Any suggestions or criticism is welcomed.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Creative BookShelves!

Oh I love books. But I prefer storing them rather than reading :P But here are some cool bookshelf ideas which inspire you to read yet have a crazy way to keep them in order :D

1. Harry Potter's room :

2. Saw the message?

3. Alphabetical Order:

4. I read whenever I sit in my chair!

5. Witch's hands or BLACK LIGHTNING?

6. REUSING stuff:

7. Thought provoked!

8. Read versus Unread:

Happy Reading! :)

Saturday 25 February 2012

CrAzY ArChItEcTuRe!

 This part is one of my favorites. 'Cauz you not only make and see them but live in them. Hats off to the crazy architects out there who thought and created architecture right out of our fairy tales. The craziest art in the form of civil structures is here to stimulate your creative cells. Get them working and even share your ideas :)

1. The FingerPrint: Belongs to Thailand; a fingerprint concept remained ignored but not any more.

2. Door:  South Korean artist and designer Choi Jeong-Hwa used 1,000 old doors to create an unusual ten-storey door building in South Korea.This colorful public art installation titled “Doors” was built in Soeul back in 2009.
 3. READ: The more you look, you feel like reading a bit more. Inspirational yet crazy for a wall sign :D
4. Auto-Sleep: I have heard stories of people sleeping in their vehicles when they struggled with failures in life. But the comfort this Auto gives is sure to result in an awsome sleep :D
5. Got to Pee: Well the gals are at big risk here. But for all the guys who can imagine the bad-girl-who-ditched-me can satisfy their revenge with these :P :
6. Coffee Pot: The Mc Donalds' team seem to have been inspired with the morning coffee as the crazy concept shows.
7. Goal!: Just a concept for the FIFA World Cup. Weren't the fans as crazy like this idea during the event? :D

Saturday 12 November 2011

Stupid Exams...Hopefully not anymore :-D

Placements exam overhead! Exams had always given me the dreaded jitters. But I knew hard-work never helped! After all being a creativeFanatic always meant add a spice to everything we do. One tried-and-tested method I did still remains effective:
"Don't think about exams while reading!"
Well then i started surfing and found few good ideas of studying (ahem! I mean learning). Here they go:
1. Make comic strips or books out of the matter you are reading/learning
2. Make a trivia game out of it (best suited for the over-enthusiastic game-engineers)!

3. Consider the text as story and read without any trouble to understand each and every line
4. If even the word history makes you puke, try dramatics: enact a war scene with the characters right out of the text with friends or siblings! (always the best way to learn in school! :-D)

5. Imagine the situation out of the text: create funny characters and give them names like "Mr. Operating System" or "Mr. Micro-controller"!
6. Try out the experiments with stuff at home. Always fun to learn practically :-D
 7. Learn from Youtube, How Stuff Works, Blogger and even at times Facebook helps ;-)
8. Sing, Dance and Play while reading (a sure stress buster!)

:-D :-D :-D

Monday 10 October 2011

Da Placements Bug!

 Was in a complete dilemma today when a friend called up and told about placements being held in college. Adding to the confusion was my worry that my resume is still not ready. Oh Damn! Dad, my superhero, came up with an idea to make a colourful resume. Never expected even Daddy dearest can be so creative :P. Well here are few resumes i checked on google and was INSPIRED to creatively design my own crazy resume!!! :D

Sunday 9 October 2011

Steve, O Steve!

Steve Jobs, a crazy innovator. Well, who in the world would've thought of squeezing in Music, Videos, Books in one small device (and giving the world a half eaten apple to binge on)? Jobs gave a complete transformation for the way folks look and even take computers for granted. I don't own an iPod, but have used one and became a fanatic. Planning to get laid with an iPad in near future !!! :D